The Coffee Connection: Brazil's Major Export to America

Brazil sent out 39.25 million 60-kilogram bags of coffee in 2023, the same amount as the 39.41 million bags it sent out in 2022, or 0.4% less. Shipments brought in $8.04 billion last year, which is 13% less than the previous year. The Brazilian Coffee Exporters Council (Cecafé) puts out a data report every month with these numbers. In December 2023, 4.12 million bags of coffee were sent abroad, which brought in $800.1 million. Compared to the last month of 2022, this is a 27.1% rise in volume and an 11.6% rise in income. Brazil exported 22.99 million bags of coffee in the first half of the 2023–2024 harvest year, which is 18.5% more than the same time period in 2022. However, foreign exchange income dropped by 2.2%, or $4.49 billion, during the same time period. Márcio Ferreira, President of Cecafé, says that last year's exports did well even though the whole production chain had problems. Exports were lower in the first semester because there wasn't as much coffee available...